Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Favorite Frosting

So, now that my sugar cookies are made and well cooled (since it's been a day), I decided to move on to the frosting.

I have never made frosting from scratch before. Well, that's a lie. I believe I have maybe once or twice, but it has never turned out that well. I think I've always tried too difficult of recipes. Recipes that called for this and that, things that you don't have in your kitchen all the time. Well, I decided to try something a bit more simple.

For whatever reason, I have two and a half bags of powdered sugar in my cupboard. I'm sure I kept putting it on our grocery list forgetting we had it. So, I decided to make the frosting straight from the powdered sugar. While most frosting recipes are made from powdered sugar, I've simplified it :).


- 7 C Powdered (Confectioner's) Sugar
- 1/2 C Butter
- 1 TBLSP Vanilla
- 6 TBLSP Milk


- Beat the butter until it is nice and fluffy.

- Add the rest of the ingredients and beat until smooth and of the right consistency. If you need to, adding more powdered sugar or milk is OK to make it the thickness that you desire.

- Refrigerate the frosting for a good 30 minutes to make it easier to spread on your cookies. If you've made a cake or cupcakes, the same is still suggested!
*A tip from me: I would not suggest serving this frosting on something that is already super sweet, which is why it goes perfect with my sugar cookies! They're not sickeningly sweet, even with the frosting!

Next step: making the frosting something special. Blog to come!

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