Monday, December 13, 2010

I can't believe it's not Chicken-Pot-Pie!

So, I've been in one of those moods lately. The weather is awful, Clark's been home, the house is a disaster, and all I want to do is curl up with a book and mug of hot tea. Since I think I'd be rather hungry if I was just drinking tea all day, however, I thought I'd get busy in the kitchen!

With no ability to get to the grocery store, and only a few options for dinner, I decided it was a day to experiment. Typically I only cook chicken in a number of traditional ways : broiled chicken, baked chicken, chicken stir fry, etc. Chicken is one of those things I just don't really get creative with. Normally it's simply my baking. Well, not today.

So, while the heater is working its magic, and Clark is watching TV, and the wind is howling, and the snow is falling, here's what I came up with in the kitchen.


- 2 C of cooked, cubed chicken breasts

- 1 C of diced, cooked baby carrots

- 3 diced, cooked red potatoes (don't cook these too soft because they will soften while cooking in the "casserole")

- 4 stalks of asparagus, cut up (not pre-cooked)

- 2 cloves of garlic

- 1 tsp of onion powder

- 1/2 tsp of basil

- Dash of salt & black pepper

- 1 1/2 C of chicken broth

- 1/2 C milk

- 2 C Bisquick

- 3 tblsp butter

- 1 C buttermilk


-Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

- In a large pan, mix together: chicken brother, 1/2 C Bisquick, basil, onion powder, and garlic. Bring to a boil mixing constantly. It will be thick once it's mixed properly.

- Add the milk and bring to boil again. Let boil, mixing constantly, for about one to two minutes. Add the cooked chicken, vegetables, and add a dash of salt and pepper (you can add a frozen veggie mix, if you like, or whatever vegetables you prefer). Mix thoroughly and then remove from heat. Place in a 9 x 9 square dish.

- Mix together buttermilk, remaining Bisquick, and butter. It should make a nice dough substance. Spread this over the top of the dish as evenly as possible.

- When you put the dish in the oven, change the temperature to 425 degrees. Let it cook for 15 to 30 minutes, when the topping is as brown as you'd like it to be.

- Let cool for two minutes or so. Long enough so it won't burn your tongue but will still be warm when you serve it!

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