Friday, December 10, 2010

It Feels Like Christmas

Every year my family watches "A Muppet's Christmas Carol." This twist of Dickens' classic has always been my favorite family tradition (movie wise, that is). It just makes my heart warm and so thankful for all that I have, especially my very close-knit family.

This year will be my first year away from my parents for the holiday. While I'm incredibly excited to share different traditions with Clark's family, I'm going to miss my usual Christmas Eve and Christmas Day schedules.

My family tends to be a little more involved with family than others, if that makes sense. Not a lot of families that I know today will do absolutely everything together, and it's kind of sad. Christmas time is one of my favorite times of year because of all the family-togetherness. Though this year will also be spent with family, I have a feeling it will be a major change of scenery. To repeat, though: I excited.

This song is a wonderful reminder of what Christmas is truly about. So, for those of you who may not be doing precisely what you normally do for the holiday (like myself), just remember, "Wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas!"

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