Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

It's New Year's Eve. Time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. Resolutions are being made, preparations for parties are underway, and even though Christmas was only a week ago, it is considered "so last year."

I have never had a big New Year's Eve since I was younger. For some reason I always got to go to parties with my family then, though I've never been to one now that I'm older. Perhaps it's a good thing. Last year Clark and I spent New Year's Eve on my parents couch in SC. This year we'll be spending it on our own. Though I've always imagined a "When Harry Met Sally" type of New Year's Eve, I am content with spending it at home with chocolate covered strawberries and the amazing husband I have been blessed with.

As people get older, it is important to remember who is most important. As a New Year begins, take time to reflect and be thankful for those in your life and sad for those who have been lost. Look forward to the things to come, and learn from the things that are in the past.

"And here's the hand, my trusty friend, And gives a hand of thine.We'll take a cup of kindness yet, for Auld Lang Syne."

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