Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Storm Planning

Well, I don't know what number of storm this is. Everyone around here has been tense since Monday, hoping for classes to get cancelled. And, yes, Monday was the first day of classes this semester. The snow has been blowing, the roads have been slushy and icy, and everyone just wants to stay in with the fire and a cup of hot chocolate. Well, today that can be done... kind of.

While I only have one class every MWF, I can't help but be relieved that I don't have to make another trip into the bleak world of winter. Today I can stay inside and pretend that it's nice outside but I'm choosing to stay indoors to be responsible. Lots of reading this semester for all of my classes, but I don't mind. I have all of MWF and the weekends to accomplish it. I'm not worried.

Today is not going to be dedicated to only school work. Though Clark and I may have returned from Georgia on Sunday, our suitcase is still behind our couch in our living room waiting to be sorted and put away. We're pretty bad at getting home exhausted, then started an exhausting week, and leaving the suitcase for a rainy (or in the case snowy) day that has no other time consuming priorities.

It's hard balancing. If you're a working mom or a working wife (or one that is, in fact, both), it's hard to always get things done. I haven't risen to a "super mom" status just yet. First of all because I'm not a mom, and second of all because I'm focusing on school. After school may be work, and then kids, and then I hope to get a tiny bit more organized and put on the cape every single day to save the world one dirty dish, packed suitcase, unmade bed, hungry tummy at a time.

For now, however, I have my ways.

My first suggestion on getting things done: a planner. I have had one since grade school when I saw how much power it held with my mother. I insisted on having one, along with a calendar to match. If I'm not writing homework in the planner, I write the things I need to do for the day. Today it reads:

- American History Reading

- Ethnic Literary Studies Reading

- Theatre History Reading

- American Literature homework (Reading List)

- Unpack Suitcase (do laundry, put away clothes, etc.)

- Vacuum downstairs

- Clean cat box (yes, I have to remind myself to do this)

- Exercise

There are a few other things on my list, but those are the things that are most important to get done today.

Where do you find planners, you ask?

Well, my favorite place is Barnes & Noble. I love going at the beginning of a new school year, or at the beginning of a new year, and picking one that I think represents the year for me. Though they don't have many choices online, the store carries options all year long. If you don't have one, check it out!

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