Sunday, February 20, 2011

Purple People Eater Muffins

So, after a long absence, I am back! School and life are kicking my butt, but I have every reason to keep up and catch up with this blog!

Lots of changes are happening. Clark has gotten into Brevard College, and therefore a move is approaching. We were planning on me working for the two years he was in school to support us and just looking at it as though we were taking turns. Well, God had another surprise in store for us.


So, now I will only be working until the baby is due, and we'll go from there. Clark is very determined to work while in school so he can finally finish school. I'm so thankful for his support and motivation. I don't know where I would be without him.

This is definitely the season for children. My older sister is due in June, so now we have an ultimate bonding experience-- to be pregnant at the same time. I only wish she was closer. She lives across the country and it would be wonderful if she only lived next door.

So, this morning my stomach was acting up in weird ways. I decided to try one of the recipes from the website What to Expect When You're Expecting. The only problem was I had to make a few adjustments due to the supplies in my kitchen. So, now my Ginger Lemon Muffins came out looking like Purple People Eater Muffins because I didn't have White Grape Juice from concentrate, I had Grape Juice from concentrate.

On top of that, I forgot to spray the muffin holders... so now they come apart in crumbs and yummy gooey-ness. Don't get me wrong. They do taste yummy... I was just in such a hurry to make them I took a few short cuts that didn't work out in my favor. If you want the recipe, check out the website. I imagine that they taste even better when you follow all the necessary steps!

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