Saturday, April 30, 2011

April Showers bring May Flowers.

It's here. The LAST day of April. It's amazing to me how fast time passes. I remember thinking spring would never get here, then April, then May... and all of a sudden they've all come and almost gone. Well, except for May, of course. May comes tomorrow.

When I was younger we used to celebrate May Day. It was something we had not heard of, I believe, until we moved to Minnesota. You put together a basket of goodies. The goodies can be candy, little toys, flowers, or larger presents for those closer to you. Then you put them on the doorstep and ring the doorbell. The point is to run to your car before they catch you. If they catch you, they get to kiss you. When you're little it's great fun because you're typically the one running and you get to decide who you want to catch you, and who you really want to get away from.

After Minnesota we lived in New Jersey, and we tried May Day. After that I can't really remember trying it again. We always said we would but one thing or another happened. Since no one else was doing it, it was easy not to try to start a tradition but just pretend it didn't exist.

So, if you have time, go celebrate May Day! You don't have to run away from the door, but hiding and leaving the basket with thoughtful goodies and a sweet note could just make someone's day!

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