Thursday, May 12, 2011

The craziness called "Moving".

If you are a normal family or couple, you've moved at least once. Whether this be into your new apartment, your new home, or from one home to the next, you've experienced moving. There are boxes to be packed, suitcases to be secured, valuables to be titled "FRAGILE" and so many details to account for that sometimes it's hard to breathe while you're doing it all.

My husband and I have experienced moving several times. The first was when we moved out of our respective dorm rooms on campus into our first "starter" apartment. This was interesting. The poor thing has fond memories, but the apartment was definitely one that I would not wish on anyone. It had that classic feel of "first poor married couple's apartment" or "first apartment out of college" or whatever label you want to give it. We lived there for about eight or nine months. From there we moved to "nontraditional student housing" on campus. Unfortunately, pets were not allowed, and I was craving a kitten. We were there for eight months. We then proceeded to move to another apartment, which was really a house. There we had some issues because the realtors couldn't find anyone to rent the "unit" below us that was really the basement re-done. So, unless we wanted to pay twice the rent for the whole place, we had to move. We were there a grand total of six months.

Finally, we moved to our most recent place. It was twenty minutes outside of town, in another town, but it was well worth it. We could have our cat, and the added addition of the puppy, and live happily with amazing realtors who were understanding of every little problem we may encounter. I had to do the move on my own, at least without Clark because he was attending MCT (I believe it stands for Marine Combat Training) for the Marine Corps. I had an army of guys from my then-current-work helping me, as well as Clark's two uncles and one aunt. It was amazing. It went so quickly and I didn't feel too much stress at all. I packed in advance so no one else would have to, and I just felt so successful when it came to a close. We lived there for a year and ten months. We are now moving once again.

This time, everything is up in the air. We stored all of our things and are currently bunking at family's houses (Clark's side, that is). It's stressful, but I have to keep reminding myself that things could be a lot worse. Plus, it's great to have family helping us out and to have time to relax. I'm not sure just yet on how to relax, but I'll let you know once I figure it out.

There will be another moving post when we successfully get everything out of storage and move forward with our next stage in life. We're in an "in-between stage" right now. It's one of the worst and best places to be, depending on how you look at it. I'm just choosing to be thankful, stay positive, and "Just keep swimming," as Dory from Finding Nemo would say.

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