Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sweet Baby Boy

He's here!

On September 7, 2011, after 12 hours of labor, at 8:52pm, our son Michael Clark came into the world :). He was 7lbs, 7oz and 21 inches long.

Like I was one of the lucky ones who had a birth-control baby, I was also one of the lucky ones who had her water break before heading to the hospital. After having contractions since the Friday before Michael arrived, it seemed only fair that I had a short labor for my first child. Of course, I had plenty of people who disagreed with this.

Because our little miracle arrived two weeks early, we only had two family members arrive for after the birth: Clark's cousin and her husband. We named them godparents only a few days before, so it was very comforting to have them there. Clark's parents came up over the weekend, and my mom flies in this coming Sunday. Everyone is overjoyed that Michael is here and everything went smoothly.

Having Michael home is surreal. We're slowly but surely getting used to a routine. That is, as much of a routine that's possible. A newborn, as everyone warned us, does not come with a predictable schedule. Dirty diapers, feeding, sleeping... it all happens on HIS time. It's positively wonderful and exhausting all at the same time.

Speaking of the baby... he's calling! I promise to start up the posts again soon!

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