Monday, October 24, 2011

Super Mom turns in the cape. Oh, no!

It is natural for every mother to have doubts.

Since I have only been a mother for six (almost seven!) weeks, I cannot pretend that I have as many as a mother of 30 years, give or take.

However, at this stage I'm already beginning to wonder if I'm doing things right.

Am I holding Michael enough?

Am I checking/changing his diapers quick enough?

Am I putting him in his swing too much?

Should he be sleeping in his crib, in our bed, in a bassinet?

There are so many questions constantly revolving around our new addition. And then there are other questions, like am I spending enough time with Clark?

I have so much respect for mothers and wives all around now it's not even funny.

Women have so many expectations to live up to.

For example, we're supposed to break the barriers and have careers. Women fought for so long to be more than the stay-at-home-caretakers. We fought for the right to vote, the right to work, the right to be thought of as human rather than baby-making-factories.

At the same time, women today still try to live up to the super-mom/wife stereotypes (depending, of course, on the woman).

What's a girl to do?

Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to be a mother. In fact, when Clark and I were married I made him promise me that once we were set to be parents, I could be a stay at home mom. I wanted nothing more than to stay home and care for my children and make them a priority.

What's funny is it's not as easy as it sounded.

Staying home with Michael makes me think I worry just as much as I would if I was working and he was in the care of someone else.

I have to admit there are times when I already feel like turning in the cape. I call for Clark (when he's home) and say, "Tag, you're it." And I hand Michael over.

It doesn't mean that I don't love him, or that I'm sick of him, it's simply that I need a break to have at least five minutes to myself to think of something beyond Michael. Of course, this usually means I'm thinking of Michael's future and our future children's futures... but, hey, at least I'm not worrying about the "right now Michael".

What's my point, right?

My point is:
There is no such thing as a perfect mother.

Women strive to be a perfect mother, perfect wife, perfect worker, and so forth. We try to live up to these expectations that have been set for our sex by our sex. Don't think it's entirely the men we have to blame. Women want to be Super Women.

I mean, who doesn't want to be perfect?

The thing we have to realize as mothers, wives, and workers is there's no such thing. There is NO such thing as perfect. We are all "perfect" in different ways. So, having to turn in the cape every now and then just to be human is A-OKAY.

What do you strive to be perfect at?

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