Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Holiday Season Begins


Yes, Thanksgiving is tomorrow, but odds are I won't be able to post again until we are home (around Saturday). It has been a very eventful week.

Last week on Thursday, Clark, Michael and I got our gear together and road-tripped to Parris Island, SC where Clark's brother graduated from Marine Corps Boot Camp.
(As promised in Beating Reality, here's a current picture of me... not a very good one to judge where I'm at physically, but a picture just the same).

Clark's brother, John, graduated last Friday morning. Friday afternoon after lunch everyone parted ways. We were supposed to go home, but we were all completely exhausted and Michael just wouldn't be in the car that long again. So, we headed to Fayetteville to be with Clark's family a bit earlier than planned. Sunday morning Clark went back home to collect the animals and attend class while Michael and I stayed in Fayetteville. Tuesday Clark returned to us with the furry ones as well.


Now we are in Fayetteville preparing for the holidays. Last year we did Thanksgiving with my family and Christmas with Clark's. This year it's switched. And OH is it different!

Clark's family has everyone over for Thanksgiving. This year it's estimated that there will be 24 to 26 people (including ourselves). Poor Michael got so stressed at John's graduation lunch being passed from grandparent to great-grandparent to great-aunt to great-grandparent to aunt... tomorrow is going to be VERY interesting. Clark and I are coming up with a secret signal to give when one of us needs to save Michael from the relatives so he can calm down.

'Tis the season to be thankful.

These 30 days of Thanksgiving I've been posting on my personal Facebook the things I'm thankful for. What I never realized is how easy it is to take things for granted. I mean... let's face it... how many times a week are you actually thankful for your morning cup of coffee, or bowl of oatmeal, or the ability to get McDonald's because you don't have time to cook your own breakfast?

So many people take advantage of their circumstances and complain over the smallest things.

I'm not saying I don't. I'm the prime example of this. Note my last Around the House post Homes are for Free Expression, not Good Impressions.

BUT I've been trying to make it a point for the 30 days of November to really see the positive in situations. This also pertains to my last Around the House post. I tried to find the positive lurking under the negativity that was taking over my mind and emotions. I've been picking things every day that may be getting on my nerves, or may seem pointless, or may make me smile that I really focus and remind myself I should be thankful for them.

What are you thankful for this November? Today I'm thankful for my in-laws and Clark's extended family.

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