Thursday, January 12, 2012

Four Months Old!

On January 7th, Michael was officially four months old. I waited to post so I could give a full report!

Michael is now 24.25 inches long! He weighs 11 lbs, 13 oz. Unfortunately this is not exactly prime, so we're working towards Michael gaining some extra weight before his six months check up. Say some prayers that he can catch up!

Although I am happy to report that Michael rolled over! January 10th he finally made the plunge and rolled from his tummy to his back. He's done it three times now, which doesn't seem like much, but I promise it is. I was over enthusiastic when he rolled over. I literally exclaimed with joy. Poor Clark has yet to see him do it, but I assure you it has happened.

Michael never stops talking, whether it's positive cooing, demanding attention, or full out crying. He is incredibly vocal. He just loves being social.

He is quite taken with playing peek-a-boo and his two plastic rattles... as well as mommy's hair. Although his new most favorite toy is the Baby Einsteins Take-Along Tunes Infant Toy. He can't quite hold it, but he loves the blinking lights and obviously the music.

It is crazy to think that less than a month ago he was in 3 month clothing and he's now in 3 to 6. He's growing so fast and bringing the most joy to our lives as he does... let's just hope he puts on a little more "chunk"!

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