Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

It's the day of Love!

As is one of my traditions, I successfully made Clark sugar cookies :). Only a half-batch this year, and not the best frosting job... but it's the thought that counts! The fact that I did most of it with Michael in his sling should definitely count for something. (For the recipe, check out My Sugar Cookies! And this time double the baking powder and add another Tbsp of sugar!)

This year Clark and I are going on our first date with a real babysitter. Although my parents watched Michael when we were visiting them so we could go out for Clark's birthday, this feels like our first date.

We're actually hiring someone, paying someone to watch our son. It's scary and exciting all at once. I'm more of a nervous wreck. I've been making a list of phone numbers, situations, care details, and so forth since Friday when we finally fully decided we were going out. But, I'd say we deserve it. There's been a lot going on and not a lot of time to really focus on us and our relationship in the marriage. Today seems like the perfect day to revisit "us" as a couple.

Like shared in my last post, Valentine's Day to me is about love in general. Michael is teeny-tiny, and therefore will not remember this Valentine's Day, so Clark and I are seizing the opportunity to celebrate just the two of us. Once he's old enough, though... it won't be just about mommy and daddy. It will be about family.

Find a way to make today extra special, even if you see it as just another day of the year.


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