Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Birthday

I am a BIG birthday person.

It may be a little selfish thoroughly enjoying a day that's all about me, but whatever.

I am a BIG birthday person.

This doesn't mean that I just love celebrating my birthday. Oh, no. I LOVE people's birthdays. I've always been the one to try to bake cupcakes, or a cake, or cookies, or something to make the day a little more special.

My last two birthdays have definitely been special. My 21st birthday was celebrated going out at midnight with Clark and two of my closest friends. Then, my family was visiting and we all went out and celebrated the following day. I felt so loved.

Going out at midnight.

Celebrating with my family. (The pink cake my little sister made me didn't make it into this shot, but it was perfect.)

Last year we spent my birthday at the doctor's office finding out that our baby-to-be was going to be a boy! We then went out shopping for him. We returned home and Clark and I made a Funfetti cake together with blue frosting to not only celebrate my birthday, but the imp[ending birth of our son.

19 weeks pregnant. Going to the doc's office to find out the sex of the baby!

Home after a day of shopping for our baby boy. Celebrating with some blue frosting!

Birthdays just make me happy. It's not necessarily that it's all about me, or all about that person, it's that we get to spend some amazing quality time together. Not only that, but it brings out the best in people. You get to make people feel so incredibly special and remind them how thankful you are that they're here; that they were born.

This year Clark has stepped up and made it a birth-week for me. I've gotten a surprise every day. I definitely can't complain. Tonight we're going out to dinner (on a date) before being home and celebrating with Michael. I'm so excited.

Not to mention I have a new recipe for cupcakes. Intrigued? Check back tomorrow!

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