Friday, June 15, 2012


(Sorry for the blurry picture. My nice camera had a dead battery...oops!)

Thursday blessed me with a business venture. Someone decided to give me a nice little push through the door and out into the world. Let's hope I can handle it and this turns into something!

So, remember my May Day Baskets? Well, when Clark gave one to his boss, it was decided that I should market them to companies in our area.

Lots of realty companies run people's seasonal homes and rent them out to people who want to visit. What better way to welcome them than with a basket full of paraphernalia from our area and brochures so they can find their way around, right? Not to mention some goodies if they have kids, or goodies for the adults!

Well, yesterday I got a call. It was from Clark's boss's company, but a call none-the-less! It seemed his boss decided that this is what I needed to do. I mean, when something like this happens, do you really say no?

After a lot of last minute shopping, running around town, and finessing, I finished the basket (and delivered it) by 5pm.

This was my finished product. This Brevard Basket includes: Two coffee mugs, 1/2 lb of Coffee Cake Coffee from our local Proper Pot store, Two White Squirrel Water Bottles, Two White Squirrel Key Chains, Two White Squirrel Chocolate "Lollipops", a deck of Blue Ridge Parkway cards, a Brevard, NC car sticker, Four postcards, and a bunch of brochures for the area (a waterfall map, guide to our town, information on things that are happening here and around us, restaurants, and so forth).

1 comment:

  1. time to make an online store, deary ;-). I loved my mini birthday basket you made me. I think you should really go for it.
