Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

(Clip Art from
Happy Fourth of July!

This, as you may or may not know, is one of my favorite holidays. I'm honestly not entirely sure why, either.

Of course I like the very idea of today. That today is the day our country became the land of the free, home of the brave. I like the idea of our Declaration of Independece making its' way across the pond after all the reps had signed it and it gleamed in front of King George with a big "HAHA" at the top of it.

Sadly, that's not precisely how it happened.

But I also love the traditions of what the holiday has now become. The grilling out, the fireworks, the games, the picnics. I LOVE the traditions of the Fourth of July. It really is like Christmas in July to me. The lovely weather (usually) accompanied by some of the best food (in my opinion) and games (if you're into that) and fireworks... it's positively wonderful. It is on the same level as seeing the Christmas tree lit up and decorated for the first time of that season.

Last year, and the year before, we did things with friends. Last year I was seven months pregnant and so not in the mood to enjoy what our little town had to offer. This year, when I actually think I would have enjoyed it, we are visiting Clark's family. We are planning to grill out and have a few fireworks of our own (but shhhh... that's a secret). There is even homemade ice cream planned for today (which there may or may not be a post for... it depends on if my mother-in-law will include me in the making of it).

So, thank the military men and women in your life for their dedication, service, and love of tradition for what our country is. Enjoy your food. Watch some fireworks.

Have a wonderful Independence Day!

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