Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Jet" Lag

It's amazing how traveling can leave you feeling "hung over" for a few days. We've been home since Sunday evening and I still can't seem to shake the feeling of laziness from the car trip.

It's true we did plenty while visiting Clark's family. That, however, does not excuse the fact that our suitcase has yet to be unpacked, or that our house is filthy and desperately needs to be vacuumed, or that we've been slow on catching up on washing the dishes. For whatever reason, this trip left us all feeling incredibly jet lagged-- even mores than mine and Michael's trip to Kansas.

So, here's what went down in Fayetteville, NC.

We arrived and Michael was a little afraid of his grandparents.

We played the piano.

We had the Fourth of July.

Michael successfully wiggled out of his Snug-a-Bunny seat, flipped over Luna's water bowl, and made a wet mess.

We went out for Pop's Birthday.

We went to the beach.

I made a fabulous looking Fruit Pizza.

Now if I could just recover and get things done!

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