Friday, September 21, 2012

Blogging on a Budget: Seasonal Exceptions

Although I've been beyond focused on sticking to a budget, there come times when you need to just splurge a bit. Live a little. Ya know?

I wanted to put together a care package for my little sister (who is a freshman at the University of Kansas this year!), and I wasn't about to do it half-heartedly. Although buying name brand, specific things can be pricey at the grocery store-- sometimes you do whatcha gotta do.

Since it is Autumn (just about), I thought what better way to celebrate than to make this adorable treat I found on Pinterest (which, actually, my little sister initially pinned-- so I knew it was a keeper/winner for the care package).


- Hershey Kisses
- mini chocolate chip morsels
- Nutter Butter (bite size)


- Melt about 1 C of mini chocolate chips (about half of the bag) in the microwave or over the stove top.

*Never add water. I learned this the hard way once while making chocolate covered strawberries.*

- Carefully dip the flat end of a Hershey Kiss into the melted chocolate and bind it to a Nutter Butter. Do the same with a mini chocolate chip (see the picture).

- Repeat as many times as you like. Careful leaving these lying around, though! Many of mine kept mysteriously disappearing and I would have to make more.

Great for goody bags, too (like pictured below)! The bags and leaves I bought at our local Dollar Tree, so they clearly didn't break the bank!

I also gave in and bought three cans of pumpkin today. Needless to say, there's going to be some serious pumpkin recipes coming!


  1. This is absolutely fantastic and looks super easy! I love it! I need to try this sometime!!!

  2. These are so darn cute! Great job!

  3. Thanks, everyone! I hope you get a chance to make them :).
