Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Seasonal "Itch"

It's happening. I woke up the other morning with the desire to play Christmas music. I sang, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and "Angels We Have Heard On High" to Michael last night to try to put him to sleep. That "itch" for the holidays is there. If I indulge anymore, it will turn into a disease.

I know I've posted on this several times. My constant love of the seasons. Ultimately, autumn outweighs them all. I love all the seasons for different things, but, truly, Autumn is my favorite. I love the sweaters, the foods, the leaves, the holidays, the pumpkin patches and apple orchards and hay rides and festivals and... I think you get my point. I L-O-V-E Autumn.

Yet here I am, excited for Christmas. This is not to be overshadowed by my excitement for Thanksgiving, of course. But I love Christmas carols and family traditions and I KNOW Michael is going to be more "in to" Christmas this year, because he totally figured out the unwrapping of presents on his birthday.

Don't get me wrong. We are having an extraordinary autumn. Although, I must admit, it's only just now getting to the perfect weather I crave. You know. Sweaters, jeans, mittens weather.

To add fuel to the fire, here are some pictures of our wonderful Autumn... followed by things I have in mind for Christmas :).

My Pumpkin and Chocolate Chip Muffins Recipe that featured on Standpipe & Sprinkles!

Our trip to the pumpkin patch (see Pumpkin Picking).

Apple picking.

Applesauce Cookies with Caramel Frosting.

My acorn treats being featured on DIY Bride! (For original post, see Blogging on a Budget: Seasonal Exceptions.)

Homemade Sweet & Sour Chicken with Fried Rice.

Now, things to come!

Mint Chocolate Cookies (picture used from

A giveaway/auction/fundraiser for Team Fearless, Relay For Life.

Shopping ideas for baby and daddy during the holidays. (Image taken from Home by Heidi.)

White Chocolate Peppermint Cupcakes (picture and inspiration from Bake Your Heart Out)... OK... I have a bit of a peppermint addiction starting around December.

Christmas tree hunting, decorating, and more!

Make sure to check in for all these fabulous treats and more! Also, anything that you may want (a recipe, post about family/outings, etc.) please feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to appease!

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