Sunday, December 23, 2012

Handprint Ornaments

I needed something to give to the grandparents this year without breaking the bank. Let's face it, if you have a big family you can't ALWAYS buy everyone something. That's not the reason for the season, and homemade gifts tend to have way more meaning.

So, to spoil the surprise, we made handprint ornaments with Michael's hand. This isn't the best one (pictured above), but the best one was finished after the pictures were taken.

These are easy and if your kids are older it's a fun activity to do together for the holidays (or any time of year, for that matter)!


- 1/2 C flour
- 1/2 C salt
- 1/4 C water

Paints for decorating
Paint brushes
String/Ribbon to hang it


- Preheat your oven to 200.
- Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or wax paper.
*Note: If you use wax paper, it will stick to the back of the ornaments to a degree. This is OK and easy to fix "loose strands". It makes the back of the ornament appear smoother!*
- Mix the dough until well combined/formed. Roll it out and press hand print into the dough. Cut around the hand in the same shape, or in a circle if you want to do it differently-- it's up to you!
- Make sure to put a hole in the dough for the string/ribbon. I used a skewer to make it, but I'm sure just about anything would work!
- Bake for around 3 hours and let sit for another half hour or so before painting. Give the paint time to dry in between colors/shapes. You don't want it running together! I'm no real artist, but I'm over all happy with my finished product!

What Christmas crafts do you like to do with you family or for gifts? Don't forget to check out the cinnamon applesauce ornaments as well!

Also, don't forget to enter the Diana Meredith Designs giveaway! Going on now until December 31st!

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