Friday, December 21, 2012

Vegan Sugar Cookies with Icing

While I've made classic sugar cookies just about every year since I can remember, I thought I'd take on a new challenge this year. I was trying to figure out what to send my vegan bestie... and then I thought, why not try to make my favorite vegan-friendly?

These are easy to make, but the dough is a tad bit tricky to handle (aka crumbly). Just have patience and they will fall together!

- 1 C all purpose, unbleached flour
- 1/2 C Vegan "butter" (I used Earth Balance)
- 1/2 C sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 2 tsp unsweetened applesauce
- 1 tsp baking powder


- Use a handheld or standing mixer to beat together your butter, sugar, and vanilla. Next add your flour and baking powder. Add the applesauce if you feel as though your mixture is a bit dry... but beware that it is going to be "crumbly" regardless.

- Refrigerate for around an hour
*This is optional, but the dough definitely does better if you let it cool down for a bit!*
- Preheat your oven to 350 and prepare your cookie sheet.
- Be patient when you are rolling out your dough (using plenty of extra flour and handling the dough really helps). You CAN make shapes-- just be patient!

- Bake your cookies for precisely 10 minutes. Let them sit on the cookie sheet for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before removing them to a wire rack to cook.

While they are cooling...


- 5 to 6 tbsp water
- 1 C powdered sugar

Just whisk these two ingredients together. It may appear super runny, but that's how it's suppose to be. Your going to dip your cookie, face down, into the icing and let it sit for a good time. Add sprinkles immediately after dipping if desired.

VOILA! Vegan sugar cookies. Simple and delicious.

This recipe was adapted from: Marcus Samulasson's Simple Vegan Sugar Cookies and Oh, Ladycakes' Sugar Cookies!

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