Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday's Letters

Happy Friday! I honestly forgot that today was Friday. It took all my teacher friends (most of whom have snow days) to remind me that it is, in fact, the weekend. Woo hoo!

Dear Anthropologie,
Could you please stop being so awesome? I reluctantly hesitantly sadly sign on to your site every week to see what's new. Your spring previews are giving me spring fever. If you could please miraculously become affordable, I would love you even more.

Dear Michael,

Thank you so much for being patient with your mama this week. The weather had us both wanting to escape to some tropical island for some sun, but we made it through the five day streak of rain and now get to enjoy [hopefully] some amazing sunshine time. I am so thankful for you and your company, because I'm certain if I wasn't focused on keeping you entertained in the awful weather I would have eaten my feelings. I have so much fun building forts, playing games, and reading books with you. But I know we both prefer when we get to run around outside.

Dear Weather,
You have not been my friend this week. Today, though, I am thankful that the rain has
stopped, that we didn't get any ridiculous snow that made the roads messy, and that Michael and I get to play/exercise outdoors. Apparently our little town is on the brink of being put in the category of a "tropical rainforest", or "temperate rainforest"... or something of that sort, and I could definitely believe it. This past week made me wish for somewhere like Colorado, with snow and sunshine.

Dear Followers, Changes are a-brewing for the blog. I'm so excited to have all you newbies! I really hope you love what you find here. I may not be the most consistent blogger, but I hope when I am you find a recipe, story, craft, or [something else] that sparks your interest.

What are your plans for the weekend? I hope it's a good one! Does everyone have a three day?

The idea for this post came from  Ashley, of The Sweet Season.


  1. Hi Emily, I'm one of your newer followers from quite the blogs, monday blog hop. I love your forty, so adorable :) Also, I too am praying for anthropolgie to be miraculously affordable. Hopefully the retail gods will hear us! lol I look forward to reading your future posts.

    Feel free to hop on over to my blog as well :)

    1. Welcome, Shaina! Thanks so much for becoming a follower! Your blog is beautiful. I can't wait to read more of it :). I hope you like what you find here!
