Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Let's Start the New Year Right [2013]

Congratulations Katie M. from Standpipe & Sprinkles for winning the wonderful giveaway from Diana Meredith Designs! You can contact Diana through her facebook to receive your $10 credit to her etsy shop! For the rest of you, make sure to check it out, still. Diana really has some beautiful creations!

Happy New Year!

Like I said yesterday, I'm so excited for 2013. Because Clark and I decided it is going to be "our year", we thought it only appropriate we stay up until midnight. We're paying for it this morning, since Michael woke up promptly around 6:30... and we didn't really get to bed until 1am. Woo hoo!

It wasn't too difficult staying up since Michael decided he wanted to be up until 11pm. He went to bed around seven or so, but then around 8:30pm woke up screaming and would not be consoled. So we moved into the living room, offered him some "juice" (water), and let him stay awake until it was easy to put him to sleep without screams. I think there's a molar to blame.

I've decided that, for now, I need to keep my resolutions private. While I desperately want to share with y'all what exactly I have in mind for 2013, I'm giving it some time. If I put it all in writing immediately and want to hold myself accountable to numerous things, I will put an overwhelming amount of pressure on myself and end up caving in a matter of days, weeks... maybe months. But I wanted to share one thing with you.

This verse is Proverbs 19:21. It is my verse for 2013.

Normally I stick to Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.:

But this year I needed something that was a little more personal. I'm not saying that knowing God has wonderful things already mapped out for me isn't comforting. I just needed a verse that took in to account the fact that I can still make plans.

Maybe this makes me a little selfish... but I'm only human. I want to know that I can make plans to my heart's content that revolve around God, and know that the plans that are meant to be will be-- because the Lord's purpose will prevail.

Happy New Year! What are your New Year's resolutions?


  1. Hooray! Thank you so much, Emily and Diana!

  2. Loving your verse for 2013....2012 was proof of this verse being all too true. Isn't it hard to sometimes wait on the Lord's plans for us?? But the wait is always worth the product. Just found your blog from Helene's link up and can't wait to read more. Come see me over at....


    1. Thank you, Brooke! Your site is absolutely adorable. I am definitely learning that the wait is always worth the product. 2011 and 2012 were two hard years for our family, but I definitely have high hopes for 2013! I hope you enjoy what you read here:).
