Tuesday, February 5, 2013

100 Days of Real Food [pt 2]

I'm alive! Sorry for week and some change of not blogging. Every now and then you fall behind, or need a break, of both.

Michael and I have still been on our journey of 100 days of real food. I must admit that we've had on and off days. Some switches are so easy and others are ridiculously hard.

Of course, Michael doesn't really seem to notice. He still gets to eat what he eats. I even spoil him with gerber dinners every now and then. Something I wish I could replicate with this challenge. How do you make perfectly cubed chicken for your child? If someone knows, please tell me. The only way he'll eat meat seems to be in this little packaged dinner. I mean, he doesn't have to eat meat, but I just don't understand it.

The trick has actually been finding things Michael will eat over what I will eat. For example, he doesn't like eggs. He doesn't really eat meat. So I find to find things to make him along with what I make myself.

My favorite thing I've made thus far since the last post? The homemade whole wheat tortillas. They are truly addicting. And I don't feel rotten when I eat them, like I do store-bought tortillas. I have used them with fajitas, quesadillas, and even homemade BLT wraps.
Of course, the turkey bacon isn't on the list of approved foods, I don't think. This is also before I added the tomato.

They [the whole wheat tortillas] are truly wonderful. Please check out the recipe here.

We are still cheating on some things. For instance, I may have made some M&M cookies. I'm pretty sure M&Ms aren't preservative free or anything like that. And Friday night we had company and we ordered pizza. I couldn't help myself.

I think that our ultimate goal with this is to really give up major things. Like, fast food (drive-throughs and frozen foods) and all the sugary nonsense. I want to raise Michael to make healthy choices, and therefore I've really been trying to pay attention to what is in what we eat. It's rather astounding when I go to buy something, look at the ingredients, and see how much is in something so simple! I've also made the new rule that if I'm not willing to make it, then we don't need it. Of course, rules are broken every now and then (*cough*pizza*cough*)... but I've really been trying to stick to it.

My favorite sweet treat that makes me feel like I'm not cheating and overdoing it is Greek Yogurt with chocolate chips. Whether it's plain or vanilla, I absolutely love it. You can even stick it in the freezer to make it a little more like frozen yogurt (well, it is... but you know what I mean). You know when you get a blizzard or milkshake and then you stick it in the freezer because you don't finish the whole thing? Well, the yogurt has THAT sort of texture. It's not super soft and "fluffy" or creamy, but it works. You can also make it resemble cookie dough ice cream and add 1 tbsp peanut butter and a little extra vanilla extract. Use honey to sweeten if you do it this way! See a picture of it through my instagram account.


  1. Have you heard of Unreal candy? They make preservative free m&m knock offs. I haven't gotten a chance to try them yet. I don't know if they're in my area. I think they sell them at Target. They're really new.

    1. I haven't ever seen those! I'll have to look for them at Target. that sounds awesome!
