Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Easter, Zoo Trip, and Hiking

This is more than a little delayed. At this point Easter was two weeks ago... oops.Needless to say time sometimes slips away from me all of us.


We really kept his Easter basket simple *although the Easter basket itself came from his grandparents, Marmee and Papa!*. Bubbles, two Easter books, a balloon, two activity packets (restaurant friendly), and a few plastic eggs with goldfish or puffs in them.

We had an Easter egg hunt at Michael's favorite friends' house... Clark and I think they're pretty great, too ;).

We tried to take a family picture and came out with this personality-focused beauty.

Our friends with their beautiful daughter Makenzie, who is two months younger than Michael.

The Zoo

Michael got the most excited about the giraffes. Nevermind that he was "hissing" for ten minutes after the snakes or making monkey voices the entire time we passed by a primate, Michael would not let us leave the giraffes. We stood there for countless minutes as he pointed and shrieked and laughed and "danced" in excitement.

Michael checking out the lions.

"People of the Forest". My fave picture of the boys from the day.

Successful family picture!


Hydrating while riding with style. Michael thought it was extra funny to spit water all over the back of Dada's head/neck/back.

Enjoying the view. We live in such a beautiful area. I feel so blessed that Michael gets to experience nature and its finest. He kept saying, "bubbles!"

The best family shot from the day... never mind that Michael isn't even looking.


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