Monday, May 20, 2013

"Healthy" Mac & Cheese [and a Target Giveaway!]

Macaroni & Cheese was never really a favorite of mine... until our first year of marriage. It became a staple in our house because we were so poor and it was so cheap. However, now that we're older and we have a toddler to worry about, I realized how AWFUL the boxed stuff is and how EASY it is to make homemade, healthier, wonderful mac & cheese.


- 1 1/4 C Whole Wheat Macaroni
- 2 to 3 C shredded cheese *your preference... I usually use a mix of sharp cheddar and monterey jack. If you like it extra cheesy, go for three cups-- just make sure to add a little extra milk as well!*
- 2 tbsp butter
- 2 tbsp whole wheat flour
- 2/3 C milk
- Salt *optional*
- Parmesan Cheese *optional*


- Cook the pasta according to the directions, drain, and keep waiting.
*Note: You may see a lima bean peaking through in the pictures. When I cooked the pasta, I also mixed in some frozen veggies because this is a great way to get Michael to eat them!*
- In a large pot, melt your butter. Whisk in the flour until it is evenly combined and starting to thicken a little. Next add your milk. Stir continuously. DO NOT STOP MIXING!
- Once it has thickened, add your cheese and pasta. It's easiest if you add your cheese, then the pasta, and mix really well. Add extra little milk if it's too thick. This is when you can also add your optional salt, up to 1/2 tsp if desired.

VOILA! Sprinkle Parmesan Cheese on top and serve warm. You'll never go back to the prepackaged stuff.

This recipe was inspired from 100 Days of Real Food.

Now, for the giveaway!

Today we're celebrating the one year anniversary of The Lily Field! If you haven't looked over Brittany's blog, you need to. She's an amazing woman with a heart after God, sharing her faith, relationship tips + stories, and raising two handsome young men. But who better to introduce this than Brittany herself?

Blogging is so much more than an online journal of daily activities. It is not just a pretty URL with
perfectly arranged HTML. But it is an avenue, a portal into the very hearts of humanity.
Beautiful, blank, white space begging to be filled with dreams, ideas, reflections, stories...

It is about community.
It is about reaching out to people you may never have the chance to meet in person.
It is about building relationships and sharing your testimony...
learning lessons from each other that impact life.

They say it takes a village to raise a child...
I think it takes a village to do great things in general.
We need each other.

Blogging has been such a blessed adventure for me. One that I was reluctant to take. Fearing I would fail,
I put the idea off for years. But on March 22nd, 2012 I found me some beautiful, blank, white space...

and began.

THANK YOU readers, friends, and family... I wish I could come give each and every one of you a hug.
Praying the words and pictures found in the day-to-day posts can at least hug your heart. You are loved.
Celebrating this milestone with me are 6 other wonderful women who have touched my life, encouraged me,
and held my hand along the way! Each one is so unique - singing her song from her space on the web.
Visit them. Let them bless you as they have blessed me!

Together we are giving away a $100 Target gift card to one, lucky reader this week!!!
Enter to win below. Open to U.S./Canada residents only.


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a Rafflecopter giveaway

*** this giveaway is in no part sponsored or endorsed by Target.
all details and opinions are my own. ***


  1. thank you soooo much, Emily, for sharing the giveaway with me!!!! i am so happy to "know" you and your sister!!! i just love it that you both blog :-) we are having our own little version of healthier mac and "cheese" tonight! ours is completely dairy free though (creamed cauliflower?!) due to allergies!!! SO YUM!

    1. I'm so excited to be a part of it, Brittany! Thank you for asking me!

      And I am SO happy to "know" you as well. You are such an amazing woman and I love getting to be a part of your life/faith through your blog.

      Ummm... your mac & cheese sounds AWESOME! Creamed cauliflower? I will have to try that!

  2. I need some new sheets from Target!

    1. I'm definitely a fan of Target bedding! Good luck!

  3. I would love to get some summer dresses for my 2 girls.

    1. How sweet! Michael wears A LOT of Target clothes, but I can't help but always eye the girls clothes when we're there as well! Good luck!

  4. I LOVE TARGET! Best dresses ever. I'd probably get a wedding gift for a friend though (SO MANY WEDDINGS THIS SUMMER!

    1. I'm right there with you, Nikki! Good luck!

  5. My Target wishlist includes a new beach bag, a bikini or two, some cute cover ups for my honeymoon & maybe some fabulous new makeup. I love Target!
