Thursday, May 2, 2013

#TBT: From Paris, With Love

Last night I was flipping through pictures trying to figure out what I wanted to do for #TBT. Not really having any old, old ones currently available, I focused in on the past six years. Going pre-Michael always seems to do the trick for me. I already feel like one of those people who can barely remember life pre-baby. That's normal, right? I have a hard time remembering how small Michael was at one point... but that's a different story.

So, I was flipping through travel pictures. When my parents were stationed in Germany it was one of the greatest periods of time. We all got to take advantage and travel. Not that this wouldn't have happened eventually, but having the option to go over when I was young and experience some of the world was such a blessing.

I wanted to find a picture from when we visited Versailles. It was my favorite part of Paris. I found a couple. This one was my favorite.

In the "Hall of Mirrors"

However, as I went through pictures. I noticed something. Can you see the similarities in the following?

For those of you who didn't figure it out, I'm referring to my curly locks.

I know. How vain can one get?

Lately my hair has been frizzy and limp and lifeless and all I've been wanting is my curly hair back. I know it was the pregnancy hormones (well, I'm hoping) and there's the possibility of the curls returning once I stop nursing... but part of me just wants to take matters into my own hands.

OK... I'm off the hair tangent. Have a #TBT (or a post-pregnancy-hair-story)? Please share!


  1. You look gorgeous dear! As for curlinesss...would a perm be a good temporary fix?

    1. Thank you O:). I may or may not be considering it ;). But perms REALLY damage hair... which would kind of un-do what I've been trying to do with it, aka get it super healthy again (note how long my roots are).
