Thursday, May 16, 2013

#TBT: Summer Lovin'

One of my favorite pictures of Clark and me is this one from Summer 2009, after he graduated from USMC Boot Camp and we had enjoyed his ten days leave together. The zebra print dress that I'm wearing was my roommate's (who was living with me while Clark was gone), and since that summer I've been searching for a dress similar to it. It's funny. I never liked animal print UNTIL this dress. I'm still not a huge fan, if I'm being honest.

I stumbled upon this one on and was SO excited... until I realized they were sold out of my size. Ah, well. Some day (while I'm young) I hope to find a Zebra-print maxi dress like this one.

Do you have any old clothing items you wish you could revive, or a piece of clothing that got away from you that you wish you could find?


  1. I so feel exactly that way, and old pictures of my wearing a certain item can make me miss that item!

    1. Isn't is so hard, Rachel? I find myself missing clothes a lot lately, haha.

  2. Hi Emily! I'm your co-writer for Wifessionals today so I had to stop by and follow! I'm so glad co-sleeping works for your... I kinda wish it would have for us, but alas, it did not. Anyway, I'm officially your newest follower and I can't wait to look around more!

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah! I am firm believer that it's whatever works best for the parents and the baby. After all, that's how it's ALWAYS going to be! No family is just alike. Hope you enjoy what you see! Loved your post on Wifessionals. I will be exploring your blog just as soon as my toddler lets me ;).
