Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Whole Wheat Crepes

I was honestly surprised when Clark requested these for breakfast a few weeks past. When I tell Clark I will make anything he wants for breakfast it usually results in french toast or eating out. So when he asked me to make crepes, I must confess I was really excited.

This recipe I adapted from 100 Days of Real Food. It's one of my favorites. It's healthy(ish), and it's SO delicious.


- 3 eggs
- 1 C whole wheat flour
- 1 C milk
- 1/2 C water
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp vanilla
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp butter, melted, plus extra for cooking


- Whisk together the eggs, milk, water, honey, vanilla, and butter.
- Mix in the flour, salt, and cinnamon little by little until evenly combined.
- Cover and refrigerate the batter for around 15 to 30 minutes.'
- Swirl butter around your pan (as it is heating, over low to medium heat) to completely cover the bottom and low sides.
- Pour enough batter on one side to thinly and evenly cover the pan. Quickly swirl the batter around to cover the pan in one thin layer.
- Let the crepe cook until bubbling (somewhat like a pancake).
Very gently shimmy a spatula underneath it and flip it without breaking the crepe.
I have to brag a little here. Most people complain that this is the hardest part, and I felt like such a champ. It's probably because I made my crepes just a tiny bit thicker, but I had no trouble flipping them at all!
- Fry for one more minute on the other side, until golden brown, and then remove to a plate. I put wax paper in between them so they wouldn't stick until I was ready to serve them.

Now, you have options on how to serve them. You can roll them up plain and just top with maple syrup, or you can get creative. I put nutella and strawberries in the middle and then topped them with powdered sugar.

Are you drooling yet? These are wonderful for breakfast, dessert, or just about anything!

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