Monday, August 5, 2013

Family Visit

It is amazing to me how quickly the summer is going by. On top of that, how busy I actually ended up being. I guess family visits, friend visits, and wedding events can do that. But MY GOODNESS. I hate to say it (and my husband is sure to be rolling his eyes somewhere)... but is it fall yet?

Truthfully, fall can wait. Michael turns two in just a little over a month. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?!

This past week my mom was nearby for the She Speaks Conference hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries, so my little sister tagged along, they added days on to the trip, and they came to spend time with us. I'd say we had an outstanding visit. What's funny to me is I'm always SO FOCUSED on spending time with them whenever we are together that I never seem to have quite as many pictures. This is both annoying and reassuring, if that makes any sense at all.

Here are some pictures from their visit! My favorite part? For my little sister's belated birthday present I surprised her with tickets to see Les Miserables at a local playhouse. It was outstanding. What was even more outstanding to me was that we pulled it off! My mom, dad, Clark, and myself were able to keep it a secret for an entire month. If you know my little sister, this is a HUGE win. She's a worse snooper than I am when it comes to gifts!

OK...OK... here are the pics!

I'm not sure why this picture refuses to get bigger, but it does. It's still cute, though!

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