Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday's Letters

It's amazing to me that it has been a week since my family was here, a couple of days since Clark was home, and almost a week since my friend's bridal shower (pictures to come next week!).

July was exhausting, and August started out very much the same. Michael and I are trying to recover if only just a little bit before heading out to visit more family. Don't get me wrong, I am BEYOND excited for our upcoming trip... I'm just so tired at the moment!

Dear August, I have high hopes for what you can offer for our family. Please don't disappoint. We are very ready for change and hope that God intends you to be one outstanding month. If you're not, I won't hold it against you... but it sure would be nice.

Dear Baking Supplies, I promise to use you again soon. I'm trying to eat healthier, and therefore you may be neglected in the upcoming months. While substitute baking is something I'm incredibly fond of, I think I've decided that the baking just needs to take a break. However, when I come back to you, it will be a glorious reunion. Promise.

Dear Summer, You have been oh-so-wonderful... but I'm ready for fall. Don't take it personally. It always happens at about this time. I'm ready for cold weather, jeans and sweaters, boots, pumpkin spice... you get the picture. If you could start cooling down, I'd really appreciate it.

Dear Crayola Crafts, You are life savers. Michael loves nothing more than to paint inside or outside, draw with his chalk, or color with his crayons. He may not grow up to be an artist, but right now his love of color and use of left hand has me imagining he's the next [insert name of your favorite artist here].

Dearest Friends, I am so thankful for all your prayers and support during this time. We aren't facing any true emergencies, just crossed paths and waiting. Lots and lots of waiting. If you could continue to lift us up we more than appreciate it, and know that I will share all I can with you as soon as the time is right. In case you missed it, I ate a jar of Nutella... but talking to God and the amazing women in my life lifted me up more than you can possibly imagine.

Enjoy your weekend, and look forward to some recipes and awesome pictures to come!

The idea for this post came from Ashley over at The Sweet Season.

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