Monday, August 19, 2013

Jaarsma's Bakery

Hello from Iowa! Michael and I are having way too much time with some of my side of the family, though we are missing Dada (aka Clark) terribly. I thought I would let you in on a few photos from one of our favorite outings before my post-vacation post (ha).

A couple days ago we got the kiddos ready and went downtown in Pella, Iowa. Our number one reason was not only to enjoy all the sites (and all the windmills), but to visit Jaarsma's Bakery.

Sadly, I was so enamoured with the inside of this delicious establishment that I didn't get any shots. If I happen to come across any from Katie (over at See You There) I will make sure to share them with you.

Until then, please enjoy these pictures of Michael and Maile enjoying their sugar cookies. These weren't just any sugar cookies. The toddlers were beyond excited that the frosting made the cookies look like little pigs. Michael could not stop snorting... which seemed appropriate since he was scarfing the cookie down.

The blur you see is Michael's cookie falling to the ground.

As for the "grown-ups"... we were happy to enjoy a Dutch letter. Let's just say they are beyond delicious. Follow the link to see some details!

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