Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday's Letters, a Love Letter

Dearest Clark,

On our anniversary, I wanted to take the time to express just how much you mean to me. It is easy, even over a “short length” of six years, to let to-do lists and responsibilities of all kinds get in the way of expressing just how much I love and appreciate you.

You are a strong-minded man who tries to make everyone happy. It is your greatest trait. When you put your mind to something, you are determined and forever stuck to it, whether you finish it or go back to it later. This is one thing that I love so much about you, because it reassures my tender and worrisome heart that you will always love me. You have chosen to love me, and I have no doubt that means you will—‘til the end of time, Come What May.

You are an amazing father. Watching you with Michael makes me love you more than the day we said our vows in the courthouse. He is so much like you, and I am so thankful for that. I feel so blessed that he has such an amazing man to look up to, because there is no one I would rather him be like than you. You have a kind heart, a gentle spirit, and can teach him so many things that no other father could. He is a piece of you and a piece of me, and every morning I am reminded just how blessed I am for that.

You are a hard worker. Above all else, you put getting the job done first. Whether it’s climbing towers or mountains, cleaning the car or fixing something that’s broken, you do it with all your energy and capability. It is an amazing quality to have.

I am still amazed at all of your dreams and accomplishments. Even though you are always putting Michael and me first, you never forget yourself when an opportunity presents itself. I still have faith that you will do most, if not all, things on your “bucket list” because of who you are and the passion you have in your heart.

I feel like the greatest thing we ever learned was to truly love one another, something we are still learning day-by-day.

Things to come:

Fall Bucket List

Michael's first haircut + apple picking

Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

The idea for this post came from Ashley over at The Sweet Season.