Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday's Letters

TGIF! This has been a week for the books. I'm not sure why, but I've been completely exhausted... maybe it has something to do with Michael getting up before six every single morning. Yesterday we got up at FOUR IN THE MORNING.

I'm so thrown off lately because my days just don't quite add up. I can't ever tell a difference between Friday and Tuesday (except, depending on which way you go, Sunday is somewhere in there).

Dear Weekend, You are going to be SO MUCH FUN... but very tiring. Bachelorette party, Birthday, Rehearsal Dinner, Wedding... talk about a plateful! If you could keep Michael in good spirits during the whole thing, I would really appreciate it. I know having daddy home will help... but, you know, a little help couldn't hurt.

Dear Zach & Jessica, Michael and I are so honored to be in your wedding party, and Clark is very excited to be an honored guest ;)! We know that you both have hearts for God and your marriage is going to be a blessed on. Congratulations, we love you!

Dear Sunshine, Please shine down on the wedding come Sunday! We definitely need you present.

Dear Michael, You're turning two tomorrow. There are no words, buddy, except STOP GROWING.


Upcoming things to look forward to:

20 Things About Michael on His 2nd Birthday

Spinach & Sausage Risotto

they will come.
Final look at our trip to Pella, Iowa.

Oatmeal Apple Raisin Muffins
First Fall-like recipe!

The idea for this post came from Ashley over at The Sweet Season.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! You will HAVE to make it. It's a new favorite of mine :D. Posting next week!
