Monday, September 2, 2013

if you build it...


I know this has been over a week coming. We had SO MUCH FUN visiting family in Pella, Iowa. It brought back memories of growing up in Holland (MI).

Here are just some of the pictures. Second half are to come soon.

It was so wonderful to spend some time with my family. I'm really blessed if I get to see them more than once a year, and even luckier when I actually get to see my sister, brother-in-law, and niece. I hadn't seen them in over a year. That is WAY too long to go without seeing my sister and her sweet family. (You can see them all the time by checking out See You There!)

I love getting away, but coming home is always hard. While I really missed our space, the house definitely seems empty after being around so many wonderful people (and helping hands).


  1. Haha! I love the cookie picture.

    I agree; I feel like Maile was so easily occupied at Marmee and Papa's house, with almost everyone around. We must do it again soon!

    1. YES! It needs to happen more than once a year. I feel like the older Maile and Michael get, the better they're going to be together ;). Love you!
