Monday, September 30, 2013

Meet Me at the Fair

It's the last day of September. Can you believe it? It's cooling off here and the leaves are hinting at turning. I'm so excited. Michael and I have already had loads of fun playing in the leaves. See what I mean?

When Clark was home, the last thing we did was go to the Western North Carolina State Fair. I'm not sure if this is the proper title. I read somewhere that it was considered the "Agricultural Fair"... so don't quote me on any of that.

We had so much fun. Michael wasn't a huge fan of the rides (hoping he comes by this way of me and we can sit them out together in the future... that's me being selfish, though). But he definitely enjoyed all the sites, and, of course, the animals, tractors, and helicopter the most.

That sign said, "Keep Behind Fence"... luckily, Michael can't read. And he was, for the most part, behind it.


  1. GIRL! You look like a model momma in that photo. Call me weird but your jawline is fantastic!
