Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Michael turns 2

If you missed my post on Michael's birthday, make sure to check it out! I still have a hard time admitting he's two. TWO.

We decided we wanted to do one excellent gift, and then some awesome family/quality time. Since Dada is always on the road, we thought that would be extra special.

So we and both sets of grandparents pitched in to buy Michael his very own train table. I highly doubt we will ever regret this decision. His birthday morning we had his bedroom door closed, balloons and banner at the ready, and let him in after some chocolate chip pancakes.

He played with it for two hours straight. Which was perfect because it gave us time to get ready. Our friends (who I mentioned in at least three posts (one, two, three) got married on the 8th, the day following Michael's birthday, so his birthday was actual the rehearsal/ lunch/ early celebration. Luckily they didn't mind sharing the spotlight with Michael (see extra pictures of his awesome cake here).

I will stop jabbering now. Here are some of my favorite pictures from his special day(s).

I will share more of our adventures which included his first haircut, apple picking, his first movie, and going to the fair!


  1. So sweet! He's such a cute boy!! And that train table is perfect!

    1. Thank you, Jacquie! He's still in love with his train table, which lets us know it was definitely a good call!
