Thursday, September 12, 2013

#TBT: Michael's Birthday Cake

In case you missed 20 things about Michael on his 2nd Birthday, make sure to check it out!

Last Saturday was Michael's birthday. Though this may not qualify as a true "TBT"... I HAD to go ahead and share a picture of his outstanding cake.

My friend Allison from Bailey Family Bakery invited me over to help decorate it! I was so excited to work under her tutilage. Though I made the actual cakes (Bottom Layer: Chocolate Fudge with a Chocolate Buttercream/Chocolate Chip Cookie Crumbles filling; Top Layer: Funfetti with Buttercream filling), I only did what she assigned me to do for the cake decorating, haha.

So, when you look at the picture-- remember that I dyed/made/rolled out the blue fondant for the top layer, the "borders", and the yellow polka-dots for the bottom layer. Everything else was Allison's magic.

Michael couldn't keep his eyes off of it, either.

We brought it to our friends' wedding rehearsal since it on the same day. They were wonderful enough to share the spotlight with our little two year old.

Two years old... still weird.

An in-depth look at Michael's birthday celebration(s) will be posted next week!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I love to think I actually had a hand in making it, haha.
