Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The First Haircut + Apple Picking

We decided Michael turning two was the perfect occasion to finally get his haircut. It took some convincing Clark (see this post and scroll down to number 16 to read about that), but eventually he finally saw the light and agreed we could take Michael to our local barber shop the day before his birthday.

He really did so well once we convinced the barber he didn't need the cover/cape on to protect his clothes and such from falling hair. It was the only thing that really freaked him out. Afterwards we walked downtown to our local gelato shop and got a special treat. I mean... come on... it was his first haircut!

Three days following the haircut (with his birthday and our friends' wedding in-between), we went apple picking. It probably wasn't the best idea on my part to go after we had a few eventful days in a row as it was, but in the end Michael had a blast. He enjoyed the animals more than the apple picking... but we can give him a year or two before he starts enjoying the challenge of getting apples from the top of the trees.

There always seems to be food at the end of our adventures. This orchard had freshly made apple cider donuts (as well as other apple treats) ready for you before or after your picking. You also had the option to just buy apples and not pick them, which we also ended up doing since Michael was super enthusiastic about the actual apple picking part (did you sense my sarcasm there?).

More fall adventures to come! We definitely have a lot I want to check off of our Fall Bucket List this year.

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