Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday's Letters

I have to confess that this has been a week that has had many ups and many downs. Michael was sick, then he wasn't. Michael was sleeping, then he wasn't. Mama had energy, then she didn't (ha). I guess that's how it goes a lot of the time. But it's OCTOBER! I confess that this is one of my favorite months. It never really seems like fall to me until October comes, the weather cools, the leaves change, and you can visit a pumpkin patch finally! What's your favorite part of fall?

Dear Weather, I am anxious for the cool, brisk autumn days. I am ready for pants, boots, sweaters, and scarves. I don't mind your foggy mornings. I could do without the buggy evenings. I wore shorts this week and must confess I was horribly depressed by it. But, I mean, it's still been in the 80s. I'm not about to run about in pants and pretend it's cold while I'm sweating to death. Could you please cool down? I don't expect (or want) snow any time soon... but if you could just cool down so I could wear some of the finer fall things, I would love it.

Michael and I are, however, very grateful that there's a pile of leaves out front to play in already.

Dear Wrinkles, Some days you are truly a life saver. I have no idea what we will do if ever you are lost. Days where Michael needs a little more courage, or reassurance, or just someone to cuddle-- you are there. I know it's silly, but I think loveys may be the best thing ever, and I'm so glad you're Michael's. Thank you for putting up the dirt, chalk, food, snot, and tears. I hope it's worth all the snuggles and love you get in exchange.

Things to look forward to:

Pumpkin Crackers

Firefighter in the Making

Harvest Soup

The idea for this post came from Ashley over at The Sweet Season.


  1. OMG THOSE RECIPES LOOK SO AWESOME! I can't wait! Your teasers KILL ME! Will check back OFTEN.

    1. I'm so glad my teasers make you want to return! DO check back. I must admit I'm partial to the Harvest Soup :D.
