Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday's Letters

The past two weeks have been such a blurrrrr! Michael and I haven't been sleeping the best, and it's just made me so scatter brained. We seem to finally be getting back on a regular schedule this week, so fingers crossed that it stays that way! I have so many outstanding recipes to share with you, I'm just bursting to get them in to posts to share.

Dear Michael, You are the sweetest boy I know. You're also the most stubborn... though I can't say much because I'm pretty sure you get it from me. Let's get our sleep back into swing before we "fall back" and have to do this all over again. I love you. Please stop growing.

Dear Weather, I am enjoying you while I can. Please keep cooling off and promise us some snow.

Dear Upcoming Change, BRING IT ON! I may have been a little down about you before, but I definitely think I'm ready. All I have to do is remember to trust God and keep the faith, and all while be as it's supposed to be.

If you didn't, make sure to check out October's Wife of the Month story. It's truly inspirational.

Things to come!

Pumpkin Spice Cookies with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Icing

Michael and Me.

And a special SURPRISE Harry Potter Halloween treat!

P.S. Christmas is EXACTLY two months away! Who's excited?!

The idea for this post came from Ashley over at The Sweet Season.

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