Thursday, October 10, 2013

#TBT: Mad Hatter Tea Party

I've always loved tea parties, as you can see. When I was little I was definitely the little girl who had her dolls and stuffed animals gathered around to join her. I do believe there is photographic evidence of my dad in this (or one very much like this) hat as part of my tea party, too. I mean... if you were invited to my tea party... you just couldn't say no. When I was seven I had a tea party birthday party for my friends and their dolls. Not joking.

Part of me really wants to have a Mad Hatter Tear Party for my 25th birthday... but we shall see. What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?


  1. I say go for it! I loved The movie Mary Poppins from the time I was five it was and still is one of my favorites :)

    1. Oh my goodness, Ashley, I LOVED Mary Poppins when I was little (and still do, too)!

  2. At our last duty station we had a Mad Hatter tea shop. It was amazing!! I am so excited we will be there again when our DD is a little older. It MUST become a weekly thing haha

    1. I am SO jealous, Candace! That sounds like the best place EVER.
