Monday, November 18, 2013

Cara Box Reveal

I'm so excited that I've started participating in the Cara Box Exchange that Wifessionals hosts. It truly is a great way to get connected with other ladies in the blogging community. This comes from someone who, admittedly, is really awful at keeping tabs on everyone's blogs. I love a lot of them, and read pretty consistently, but keeping up with commenting or connecting isn't always a strong point of mine. So the Cara Box really pushes me to do that!

This time around it was a two month period or so, which made it a lot easier than rushing together a box in a matter of one month. I got to know two lovely ladies, Erin and Candace.

Erin from Erin's Diary is the one who put together the wonderful package you see above! Included was also some Candy Corn M&Ms, but they're not pictures because my husband got to them before I got to the picture, haha.

Everything in her package was so thoughtful as seasonally wonderful. I've already put my coffee cozy, cookie mix, and Starbucks gift card to good use. She was definitely right about one thing-- I cannot get enough pumpkin!

Plus, her blog is so fun! Go check it out!

Make sure to check out Candace's blog, too, to see what I put together for her!


  1. So fun!! I did the cara box a few times and always enjoyed getting my little package :) it's such a fun thing!

    1. I really love doing it, Heather! I think it helps that I tend to just put care packages together for friends and family as it is, so it's nice to receive one as well from time to time! :)
