Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday's Letters

This has been a busy week. We've been trying to squeeze in time with as many people as possible. Moving across the country means, of course, that people suddenly want to see you as much as possible. I'm not complaining. I feel so incredibly blessed and loved, and with that comes the sadness of leaving all our friends behind. That's not to say we won't be in touch or stay close, but you know what I mean.

Dear December, You didn't exactly listen to my plea of taking your time. We are leaving in six days. Please stay calm and let us miss all the bad weather when we hit the road through the Midwest. We are prepared, of course, for the worst... but we'd really love for it not to come to that.

Dear House, You are a mess, and for once it's ok. All the boxes are piling up and it's hard to figure out what to pack and what to keep out. Be patient with us as we empty you out. And, if we're being honest, I may miss our home but I don't think I will miss you all that much.

Dear Readers, Please watch the video below. Maybe it seems small, but it made me bawl. This time of year is the time to remember how helping and giving to people, big or small, can mean so much. After all, God gave his only son to us so we may know true grace. We received the best gift of all, so shouldn't that inspire us to give to others in any way we can?

Have a happy weekend! Less than two weeks to Christmas!

Things to come:

White Chocolate Chex Mix

Be Our Guest: Breaking Out of the Bubble, a special post from ShaCarol

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