Monday, December 9, 2013

The Polar Express

The Great Smoky Railway in Bryson City, NC does multiple train tours. They range from It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! to a tour including the history of the train itself.

At Christmas time it turns positively magestic and does The Polar Express.

As soon as we found that out, we knew we had to take Michael. A train and Santa Claus? And not just any train-- The Polar Express train (as Michael calls it).

When Michael found out we were riding the train, he was overwhelmed with wonder.

As the train ride continued, however, and he realized he had to sit still for an hour... not so wondrous.

Over all, I'd say he did an extraordinary job. The hot chocolate and cookies distracted him enough and then Christmas carols came into play, and then, of course, there was Santa Claus.

How is it that little kids just know who Santa is? Michael has watched the St. Nicholas Veggie Tales enough times, perhaps, but even in that he's not referred to as "Santa Claus".

Now whenever we go out he asks if we're going to see the Choo-Choo Train (as Clark called it), and then tells me all about how he rode The Polar Express and Santa sat with him and gave him a bell.

So, my friends, in the end... it was completely magical.

Michael's cardigan is from The Wishing Elephant. Not only does Carolyn make these, but tons of other creative looks for babes and toddlers. Make sure to check her out!


  1. Emily this was wonderful.. How can I get copies of the pictures? You know I especially love the one with he and Clark looking out the window.
