Thursday, December 5, 2013

'Tis the Season #TBT: Family Carols

The holidays were really a time of tradition for my family, and still are. Christmas always involved the Advent Wreath, lots of singing, and lots of baking. One of my favorite memories is the picture above from 2006. It was the Christmas my sister and my now brother-in-law were first engaged, my great uncle was visiting, and was actually around the time Clark and I started dating.

This time of year I start to miss them all more and more. Living far from my family isn't easy at all. I'm thankful that in Phoenix we will be closer to my sister and her family, and my parents can come from the opposite direction and we can all sort of meet in the middle if we want to. But since we are moving over Christmas, we will be stopping at my parents' for the holiday and you can bet we will all be singing Christmas carols.

What are your favorite Christmas traditions?

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