Friday, April 18, 2014

Michael and Papa

My dad got to visit us at the end of March. My parents took turns, since they both work for a church in Iowa they couldn't be away at the same time. Of course, now that they've been, they're determined to come together next year for a winter vacation for, like, two weeks.

Michael had a lot of fun with his Papa, but I'm still hearing about how he and Papa went to the baseball game and the park. Before Clark came home, my dad, Michael, and I went to a Cubs vs. White Sox spring training game. Michael had SO much fun. Playtime with Papa was pretty much the center of his world.

As for the park, my dad watched Michael while Clark and I got a movie-date in and they went to the park for a very long time.

Other than that, we all had a lot of fun. We got to go hiking, just hang out, and try some of the local foods that we hadn't just yet... and some that we had. I mean, who can come out West and not go to In-N-Out?

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