Sunday, May 25, 2014

19/52& 20/52

I know, I know. I've been awful about posting this over the past month. I promise to do better. We have been busy bees around here. Michael has decided that he needs me every.waking.moment. Not even every waking moment, actually. As we are now potty-training, it seems me leaving him during nap time or bed time causes distress. I'm sure it will all pass, and I can't say I mind the cuddles. Now that Clark is home, I am no longer wanted. I was just told that I was to stay inside as they went out and play.

I didn't argue with him.

" A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2014. "


Michael absolutely loves that we have grass in our backyard now. While we still have a few patches of dirt that have yet to fill in, that doesn't stop him from running from one end of the yard to the other with his lawn mower. He wants to be "just like Dada."
Please excuse that this was taken with my iPhone.


On a very hot day, it was necessary to let Michael play in the ::ahem::doggy::ahem:: pool. He absolutely loved being able to stay in our backyard and cool off. This is not to say that we don't enjoy visiting the neighborhood pool, but lately the big kids seem to like to play in the kiddy pool and that makes Michael a little nervous... or maybe it makes me a little nervous.

Part of Practising Simplicity's 52 Project.

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