Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Valentine's Day Banner Craft for Kids

Valentine's Day is coming up and in my opinion there is never enough time to celebrate it. Naturally I decided that this year we should start extra earlier to prepare for the day of L O V E.

I don't see Valentine's Day as just a day to remind your significant other/spouse that you love him, it's a day to remind your children how much they are loved and how much we are ALL loved by our Heavenly Father.

Can I get an amen?

This year we're doing lots of crafts. Michael is so into doing things together (like our Thankful Thursday jar). He's also seriously into cutting.

I had been wanting a heart banner for the house. Although I would *honestly* prefer a perfectly crafted one that looks professional, like most that are displayed, it's much more fun to let Michael pour his heart out and share just who and what he LOVES.

We used a cookie cutter to make the identically shaped hearts, but I think different ones would be adorable, too. We cut them out and each day he filled out 3-4 with things he loved.

I helped him spell.

It ranged from family members and friends to Quesadillas and "The Red Store" (aka Target, the best place on Earth).

After we had more than enough, we used some adorable ribbon (which I think originated from Michael's) with XOs all over it and then hung it around his teepee he got for Christmas.

Now whenever he looks at them, he'll ask me what specific ones say. Each one makes him smile and brings about a conversation about that specific thing.


"Oh, that one says, 'Read Winnie-the-Pooh'. I love doing that. But we finished it, so what will we read next?"

(In case you were wondering, the answer is The Wizard of Oz.)

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