Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Easiest & Most Delicious Blueberry Muffins

These blueberry muffins are to die for. They're easy, moist, and perfect when you're just craving something sweet, but not to sweet, in the morning.

Not to mention they went perfectly with our celebration of finishing reading The Wizard of Oz. We've been making a point to make our way through chapter books with Michael, who is eating it up. And when trying to figure out a way to do something special after finishing the book, we decided we'd bake something new.

Because that is our way, isn't it?

As always, I digress.

Here's the recipe you're here for!

Note: This is a HALVED recipe. If you want 12-18 muffins, double the recipe.
- 1 egg
- 1/2 C sugar
- 1/2 C milk
- 1/4 C olive oil
- 1.5 C unbleached flour
- 1.5 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3/4 C blueberries


-Preheat oven to 375 and prep your muffin pan as you like (with liners, spray, or both).
- Whisk together your egg and sugar. Next add your milk, olive oil, and vanilla.
- Add your dry ingredients, mixing until completely combined. (Batter is going to be thick. Don't over mix!)
- Gently fold in your blueberries.
- Fill the muffin tin with 1/4 C batter per muffin.
- Bake for 25 minutes or until cooked through.

See what I mean? So easy and you almost always have the ingredients in house. You can also substitute the blueberries with a different berry, or chocolate chips, or anything similar!

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